viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

English Speaking Fri. 17th April

Hi Kids!

I hope you’re all doing well and had time to relax and disconnect over the Easter break.

This week and next, I would like you to record a video talking about your plans for when the coronavirus has passed and we can slowly get back to normality. I want you to think about all those things you can’t do right now due to the situation we are in.

In my case, some of the things I'm most looking forward to are; 

  • To be able to go to the park with my children. 
  • To be able to go to the shops without having to worry.
  • To be able to see family and friends in person and not via video call.
  • To be able to watch my favourite sports on the tele again!

You should use expressions such as ‘I can’t wait to……’ or ‘I’m looking forward to…..’ and your video should last approximately 1 minute. Please send me your videos by 17:00 on Friday 24th at the latest.

There is a link to a video at the bottom where I explain in a bit more detail.

I look forward to receiving your work.

Have a good week.


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